Indigenous communities, whether First Nations, Inuit or Métis, have profoundly shaped contemporary North America through their rich cultures, ancestral know-how and collective lifestyles, intimately linked to the reasoned development of the territory.
At a time when many questions are being asked about the sustainability of our modern societies, we believe that indigenous communities have many answers to offer.
At Impact ON, we’re proud to work with many indigenous communities to give them the place they deserve.
Because they are our past, our present and our future.
Discover our positive impact initiatives in collaboration with indigenous communities.
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In May 2022, Attawapiskat First Nation and Attawapiskat Enterprises began the ambitious project of converting their grocery store into a cooperative, following the scheduled end of a 25-year lease with the North West Company.
To bring this initiative to fruition, the community called on the expertise of Impact ON, which undertook to provide support every step of the way. This included a feasibility study, community mobilization, essential training on the cooperative model, legal incorporation of the cooperative and setting up the first board of directors.
By November 2022, after three visits to the community, our team had made significant progress. We had succeeded in setting up a committee of community champions to raise awareness of the importance of converting to a cooperative. In addition, we stepped up our efforts to explain how the cooperative model would give Attawapiskat residents greater control over their grocery store, suppliers and prices, by highlighting the advantages of this democratic, solidarity-based way of doing business.
We are proud to announce that the Attawapiskat food cooperative was incorporated in September 2023 and has been in operation since November 2023, fulfilling the community’s hopes of being able to effectively manage its grocery needs.
Our team feels honored to have been able to contribute to this achievement, and we continue to work closely with the community to ensure its ongoing success. This transition to a cooperative represents a major turning point in Attawapiskat’s economic autonomy, enabling community members to take their future into their own hands while nurturing their values of cooperation, sharing and solidarity.
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Je souhaite remettre en question le stéréotype selon lequel nous devrions tout recommencer à zéro, sans tenir compte de notre expérience professionnelle dans nos pays d’origine.
Partager une expérience, un vécu, une émotion permet de briser un tabou ou un non-dit, de lutter contre l’isolement des personnes qui le vivent, et de sensibiliser les autres sur cette réalité.
Nous avons tous un parcours de vie et des histoires palpitantes à raconter qui font découvrir des perspectives différentes d’une même situation, qui sensibilisent sur les discriminations invisibles ou encore qui ouvrent les yeux sur une réalité méconnue.
Je ne pense pas que mon parcours soit unique, ou du moins, je ne veux pas qu’il le soit.
Le témoignage que je veux partager, c’est que le processus d’immigration est difficile, notre cadre de vie, notre personne et nos pratiques changent. Il est donc important d’apprendre à se redécouvrir, à redéfinir nos objectifs, à se réaliser pleinement.
Je ne me suis pas intégrée dans ma communauté, je me suis épanouie.
une girl des médias et des communications.
C’est en écoutant le cheminement/ le parcours des autres que l’on se sent inspiré. Il y a de la place pour tout le monde.
Penser que c’est impossible de vivre ces rêves .
Le témoignage de l’audace qui crée des opportunités.
Mon expérience d’immigrante.