In 2023, French is spoken by over 320 million people worldwide.
According to the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques, some 33 million people in the Americas speak French.
The French-speaking world is a melting pot of innovation and commitment to mission-driven entrepreneurship. In the Canadian cooperative sector, according to Statistics Canada, more than half of the country’s cooperatives are headed by a French speaker, which is well above the demographic weight of French speakers in the country.
Impact ON was founded by French-language cooperatives in the Canadian province of Ontario in 1964. At the time, teaching in French was forbidden and the use of French in the public sphere was still largely restricted. These factors encouraged people to take collective responsibility, as they realized that their best point of economic and social resistance was cooperation.
Today, we’re very proud to continue developing and promoting French-speaking expertise in impact entrepreneurship. Naturally, we do this not only in Ontario, but also in other parts of the world where the French-speaking world is vibrant.
Join us in writing the next pages of this ongoing story of Francophone influence through cooperation!
All our services are available to you, for example:
For several years now, as part of our organizational management services, we have been managing the Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario – Régionale Hamilton (ACFO Hamilton). As part of this contract, we have been able to help a large number of francophones obtain services in French in the Hamilton area.
Every year in September, Franco-Ontarian day brings more and more people to the municipality. In addition to the flag-raising, a highly symbolic moment for which we had to position ourselves, the region’s Francophones and Francophiles get together to exchange and share their love of their language and their many cultures through musical entertainment, workshops and good food!
Recently, the number of gatherings of Francophone personalities has increased, thanks in part to the Francophone networking dinners organized in town. Inviting Franco-Ontarian personalities to discuss issues of importance to the community, they also celebrate the community’s commitment to the city of Hamilton and its region, proving again and again its dynamism and contribution.
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Je souhaite remettre en question le stéréotype selon lequel nous devrions tout recommencer à zéro, sans tenir compte de notre expérience professionnelle dans nos pays d’origine.
Partager une expérience, un vécu, une émotion permet de briser un tabou ou un non-dit, de lutter contre l’isolement des personnes qui le vivent, et de sensibiliser les autres sur cette réalité.
Nous avons tous un parcours de vie et des histoires palpitantes à raconter qui font découvrir des perspectives différentes d’une même situation, qui sensibilisent sur les discriminations invisibles ou encore qui ouvrent les yeux sur une réalité méconnue.
Je ne pense pas que mon parcours soit unique, ou du moins, je ne veux pas qu’il le soit.
Le témoignage que je veux partager, c’est que le processus d’immigration est difficile, notre cadre de vie, notre personne et nos pratiques changent. Il est donc important d’apprendre à se redécouvrir, à redéfinir nos objectifs, à se réaliser pleinement.
Je ne me suis pas intégrée dans ma communauté, je me suis épanouie.
une girl des médias et des communications.
C’est en écoutant le cheminement/ le parcours des autres que l’on se sent inspiré. Il y a de la place pour tout le monde.
Penser que c’est impossible de vivre ces rêves .
Le témoignage de l’audace qui crée des opportunités.
Mon expérience d’immigrante.