A light-hearted activity, during which we’ll take visitors on a tour of all the places significant to the creation of our organization, Impact ON, 60 years ago. The walking tour will be followed by an evening 5 à 7 in downtown Ottawa.
If you’d like to sponsor this particular event, here’s the visibility you’ll receive.
Available: 5
- Logo on activity page
- Acknowledgement as event sponsor / Logo displayed on activity slide show
Available: 4
- Logo on activity page
- Thank you on our social networks after the activity
- Acknowledgement as event sponsor / Logo displayed on activity slide show
Available: 3
- Logo on activity page
- Logo on activity materials and/or mailings
- Thanks on our social networks before and after the activity
- Acknowledgement as event sponsor / Logo displayed on activity slide show
Available: 2
- Logo on activity page
- Logo on activity materials and/or mailings
- Thanks on our social networks before and after the activity
- Advertising in the invitation e-mail announcing the activity
- Acknowledgement as event sponsor / Logo displayed on activity slide show
Available: 1
- Logo on activity page
- Logo on activity materials and/or mailings
- Thanks on our social networks before and after the activity
- Advertising in the invitation e-mail announcing the activity
- Recognition as presenting sponsor of the event / Logo displayed on the activity's scrolling projection
- Logo on activity visuals
- Roll-up banner on stage at our 5 à 7
- 5-minute introductory speech